Mariam Ayman
Mariam Ayman

Mariam Ayman

Bachelor's Degree in Arts and Education , French Language
  • 0.0 /5.0 (00)

نبذة عن المعلم

Passionate French teacher and skilled in creating engaging lesson plans   while fostering a positive classrooms  environment Experiences in utilizing Microsoft Power Point, Word and other relevant software for instructional purposes.Committed to inspiring students and promoting a love for the French language and culture, dedicated to instilling a  profound appreciation for linguistic and cultural nuances while nurturing confident communicators.

مواعيد المعلم المتاحة

مواعيد الظهر "من 12 الظهر الي 6 مساءً"
مواعيد المساء "من 6 مساءً الي 12 منتصف الليل"

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